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Human resource

In order to extend our consolidated management base and steadily implement our basic strategy, we are investing in human capital, including by securing and employing diverse talent, developing and strengthening our human resources, and improving labor productivity by promoting digitalization.

Training System

We have a wide range of training programs for everyone from new employees to executives to help them grow and to create a strong group of individuals.

New Employee Training

New employee training is given for the first two weeks after joining the Company. In addition to receiving business training, upgrading computer skills, and basic accounting, new employees also experience the atmosphere of the workplace by touring our suppliers’ factories to prepare them for their assignments.

OJT Training

After being assigned, new employees receive two years of on-the-job training. A mentor is assigned to each new employee to support his or her growth by providing guidance on their duties at work as well as advise them on business etiquette and company life.

Training by Job Level

We provide training based the job level for young employees, mid-level employees, managers, and others, enabling them to acquire the required skills for their position.

Global Human Resource Development System

We offer training programs that include language study at a Chinese university, followed by an internship at our Shanghai subsidiary, and training where trainees are sent to local subsidiaries in Southeast Asia to build relationships with local companies and learn about business models on the front lines.

Self-Development System

We support self-development through correspondence courses on language, accounting, trade practices, and other specialized fields, as well as e-learning courses and English proficiency testing.