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Basic Policy

Basic Philosophy

Environmental issues create critical challenges that have a global impact and extend beyond the next generation. In the spirit of our corporate philosophy Meiko Washin (“Always Bright and Friendly”), Meiwa Corporation will take on proactive initiatives for environmental conservation through sound business activities, in this way contributing widely to society as a good corporate citizen and striving for coexistence with society.

Action Guidelines

  1. Caring for the natural environment

    When conducting commodity transactions and business investments in and outside Japan, we will always consider the impact on local communities and ecosystems as we strive to help reduce the environmental burden on society by promoting environmentally friendly businesses.

  2. Using resources and energy efficiently

    We will go all-out to efficiently use resources and energy.

  3. Contributing to a recycling-oriented economy and society

    We will contribute to building a recycling-oriented economy and society by promoting the effective use of resources through waste reduction and recycling—not only through our own actions but also by calling on our business partners and affiliates.

  4. Complying with environmental laws and regulations

    We will understand and comply with environmental laws, regulations, treaties, etc., and work to prevent environmental pollution.

  5. Establishing an environmental management system

    To achieve the goals of this environmental policy, we will establish an environmental management system that takes advantage of the characteristics of a trading company, review it periodically, and strive to continually make improvements.

We will make certain all employees are aware of this environmental policy and publicize it outside the company.

Revised July 1, 2020
Meiwa Corporation

Takashi Yoshida President and Chief Executive Officer