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On April 28, 2023, the Board of Directors identified material issues that the Meiwa Group should prioritize and work on over the medium to long term.

1 Purpose of Identifying Material Issues

Based on the thinking behind our Basic Sustainability Policy, we have identified material issues to further strengthen our sustainability initiatives, drive improvements in corporate value, and contribute to a sustainable society. Specifically, we analyzed the medium- to long-term impact of sustainability issues that are highly relevant to the Meiwa Group’s business and strategy in terms of both risks and opportunities.

2 Process for Identifying Material Issues

In identifying material issues, our Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Board of Directors repeatedly evaluated and discussed the issues, with the Board of Directors ultimately making a decision, following the process below:

STEP1 Extracting Relevant Issues

With consideration for Meiwa Group’s business, we created a list of material issues by referencing international frameworks and standards.

STEP2 Prioritizing the Issues

Through interviews with and surveys of Outside and Inside Directors, employees, and various other stakeholders, we evaluated the impact and importance of each issue in terms of risks and opportunities to enhance our corporate value. We then mapped them onto a materiality matrix.

STEP3 Discussions and Determining our Material Issues

After reorganizing the selected priority issues, we identified our material issues through deliberations by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Board of Directors.

3 Meiwa Group’s Material Issues

We have identified the following material issues at the Meiwa Group and key initiatives associated with each issue. Going forward, we will consider medium- to long-term goals and KPIs, and work to create social value while enhancing our corporate value. We will continue to properly promote these material issues and initiatives while ensuring effectiveness through monitoring of changes in the external environment and the status of initiatives across the Group.

Materiality Overview Main Initiatives
Value Creation Strengthening efforts to reduce environmental impact Climate change and building a circular economy are major societal issues deeply connected to risks and opportunities for the Meiwa Group’s sustainable growth. We will therefore construct and promote business models that contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Promoting businesses related to the circular economy

Expanding handling of alternative products such as decarbonization and other environmental impacts

Reducing GHG emissions associated with the Meiwa Group

Creating New Value As society and values shift, the Meiwa Group will continue to change and take on challenges, creating new businesses in growth areas. We aim to generate value that contributes to society and people’s lives, as well as achieve sustainable growth for the Group.

Creating new businesses

Improving productivity and transforming business models through digital technology

Business Foundation Developing diverse human resources and arranging an environment for people to demonstrate their abilities Acquiring and developing talent essential for value creation is a top priority issue for the Meiwa Group. We will continuously improve our environment so that diverse employees can grow and maximize their potential.

Enhancing human resource development programs

Reforming workstyles to promote the full exercise of abilities

Enhancing Governance We will establish robust and sound governance systems that can respond to various changes in the business environment, while increasing risk response capabilities across the Meiwa Group. We will promote transparent and fair management, and build good relationships with stakeholders including the capital market.

Strengthening governance foundations at each site

Improving risk management

Enhancing stakeholder engagement