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Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

The Meiwa Group, guided by our Meiko Washin philosophy (“Always Bright and Friendly”), recognizes that the way to meet the expectations of all stakeholders is to improve our corporate value. Our actions are based on the principle of striving to be a corporation that contributes to society at large through fair and open business practices. For this reason, our executives prioritize corporate governance as the foundation for ensuring management soundness, transparency, and efficiency.
In addition, we developed Corporate Governance Guidelines, the framework for the Group’s corporate governance. We will build an effective corporate governance system so that we grow sustainably and improve our corporate value over the medium and long term.

Corporate Governance Structure

We have also established a position for handling internal information based on our internal information management guidelines. As well, we have prepared a framework for integrated management and the punctual disclosure of information about the Group, including subsidiaries. When disclosing information, we apply the prompt disclosure standards of the Tokyo Stock Exchange to clarify disclosed items and other content. We also comply with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other related laws, regulations, and notices to ensure that information is disclosed promptly, accurately and fairly.
The Internal Auditing Department, established under the direct control of the president as a check on the Company’s internal operations, conducts regular internal audits of information disclosure and internal controls in general.

Audit and Supervisory Committee

  • Committee Composition and the Attributes of Chairperson

    • All members
      Full-time members
      Inside directors
      Outside directors
      Committee chairperson
    • Audit and Supervisory Committee
      Inside Directors
    • Directors and employees to assist the Audit and Supervisory Committee
  • Issues related to the independence of the Directors and employees from executive directors

    The Company has established an Audit and Supervisory Committee secretarial office and has assigned employees (assisting employees) to help with the duties of the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
    Assisting employees are selected following consultations by the Representative Director(s) with the Audit and Supervisory Committee or the full-time members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, taking into account the knowledge and abilities needed for the duties of the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
    Although assisting employees are subject to the Company’s work rules, authority to give them orders related to their responsibilities belongs to the Audit and Supervisory Committee. Personnel issues including transfers, evaluations, and disciplinary action are taken after consultations with the Audit and Supervisory Committee or the full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee member(s) to confirm independence from business execution divisions and to ensure the effectiveness of orders from the Audit and Supervisory Committee.

  • Cooperation among Members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, Accounting Auditors, and the Internal Auditing Department

    The Audit and Supervisory Committee works closely with the auditors and regularly exchanges information and opinions with the Internal Auditing Department and the independent accounting auditors, then receives reports on the results of audits. In addition, the Audit and Supervisory Committee receives reports on compliance and risk management from the Compliance Committee and the related divisions regularly or when needed.

Voluntary Committees

  • Voluntary committees equivalent to a nominating committee or compensation committee

Committee Structure and the Position of Chairperson

Name of committee All members Full-time members Inside directors Outside directors Outside experts Others Chairperson
Voluntary committee equivalent to nominating committee - - - - - - - -
Voluntary committee equivalent to compensation committee Compensation Advisory Committee 5 1 1 4 0 0 Inside directors

Supplementary explanation

To strengthen the structure of the independence, impartiality, and accountability of the Board of Directors related to compensation for Directors, the Company has established the Compensation Advisory Committee as an advisory body to the Board of Directors. This committee consists of at least three members; at least two must be outside directors. At the Board of Directors meeting held on June 23, 2023, President and Chief Executive Officer Takashi Yoshida was selected as the committee chairperson. As well, Independent Directors Toshifumi Minami,Kay Miwa,Kazunori Iwamura,Michitaka Goto were selected as committee members for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023. This committee meets four times a year, in principle, and submits proposals as well as provides advice and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on compensation levels and systems for Directors (excluding Directors who are also Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) and Executive Officers who are not Directors. This committee also evaluates the individual performance and qualitative aspects of Executive Directors and Executive Officers who are not Directors.

Shareholder Engagement

The Company strives to engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders outside of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Directors hear the views of shareholders through this dialogue, listens carefully to their interests and concerns, and clearly explains management policies. In this way, Directors maintain a balanced understanding of stakeholders’ positions and then respond appropriately.

Policy on Constructive Dialogue

We have established a basic policy on establishing systems and initiatives for promoting constructive dialogue.

Policy on Constructive Dialogue

  1. We will actively engage in dialogue aimed at building good relationships with shareholders and other investors ("shareholders") through IR activities and strive to understand the structure our shareholder base.
  2. Dialogue with shareholders and other investors ("investors") is handled by the IR Department and supervised by the president. If there are individual requests from shareholders or other investors, the president, directors (including outside directors) and executive officers will be interviewed, as necessary, after considering the shareholder’s attributes and other factors.
  3. To facilitate dialogue with shareholders, IR Division will coordinate with related divisions.
  4. When formulating and announcing the medium-term management plan, we will present the basic policy of our revenue plan and capital policy, then announce the qualitative and quantitative targets and the outline of our strategy.
  5. The opinions and questions we receive through dialogue with shareholders and other investors are reported to the Board of Directors, as necessary, and are reflected in management decisions in order to support the sustainable growth of our corporate value.
  6. We manage insider information effectively guided by our disclosure policy.

Implementing Measures for Shareholders and Other Stakeholders

The Status of Measures to Vitalize General Shareholders Meetings and Support for the Smooth Exercise of Voting Rights

  • Send out early notices of general shareholders’ meetings
  • Avoid holding general shareholders’ meetings on peak dates
  • Enable the electronic exercise of voting rights
  • Participate in the Electronic Voting Platform and take other steps to improve the environment to allow institutional investors to exercise their voting rights
  • Provide convocation notices (summarized) in English

IR Activities

  • Creation and public announcement of disclosure policy
  • Holding regular briefings for analysts and institutional investors
  • Posting IR information on website
  • Establish a department (or person) in charge of IR

Measures to ensure full respect for stakeholders

  • Establish internal rules for respecting the position of stakeholders
  • Environmental protection and CSR activities
  • Formulate a policy for providing information to stakeholders